911s and a Frozen Lake

Automotive expert Chris Harris went to a frozen lake in Sweden to drive a Porsche 911 rally car. Driving on a frozen lake is not an easy feat but Harris seems to achieve it effortlessly. This video that shows how ice driving should not be attempted by other motorists because of the potential dangers that naturally come with it. Harris, who is also known as Monkey, has plenty of experience in this field and as the video shows, driving on a frozen lake requires focused handling and concentration.

Monkey has said that if he can only do one more drive, he would choose ice driving. Nothing shows off the power and determination that a car has when it is being driven in minus 17 degree weather on an arctic frozen lake.

Monkey states that this is the most fun that you will ever have in any car. Watch the video to learn why a frozen lake makes a Porsche 911 stand out even more than before.